Welcome to the Math Wiki!
As Wikipedia administrators are so fond of saying: "Wikipedia is not a textbook". Math Wiki, on the other hand, is a textbook.
We are currently working on 1,378 articles in the English-language. There are also companion wikis in other languages under development. Please support this project by adding content in whichever language you feel most comfortable.
You may want to read the Rules, Manual of Style, and Guidelines pages to get a feel for how the wiki works.
If you need help, do not hesitate to ask any Administrators. We are always determined to help you! (currently only Dinoenthusiastguy and sometimes Jeff G.)External links
- Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles — A collection of articles on various math topics, with interactive Java illustrations at cut-the-knot
- Some mathematics applets, at MIT
- Rusin, Dave: The Mathematical Atlas. A guided tour through the various branches of modern mathematics.
- Stefanov, Alexandre: Textbooks in Mathematics. A list of free online textbooks and lecture notes in mathematics.
- Weisstein, Eric et al.: MathWorld: World of Mathematics. An online encyclopedia of mathematics.
- Maths News. Mathematics news, articles and books.