Math Wiki

An irrational number is any real number which is not rational. More systematically, it is the set of numbers which cannot be represented as the quotient of two integers and , where , thus having a non-repeating, non-terminating decimal representation.


If is an irrational number, and are rational numbers, , is a real number and is a positive integer, then:

  1. , , and are irrational.
  2. , and are irrational.
  3. is rational if and only if . The same thing also true for .
  4. is irrational.
  5. is irrational if and only if is irrational.
  6. is irrational.
  7. If cannot be expressed as another rational number to the power of n (or in other word is irrational) then is irrational.


Common examples of irrational numbers are roots of numbers. Miscellaneous examples include numbers that are also transcendental such as pi and e.

Name Representation Value
Square root of 2 1.41421356
Square root of 3 1.73205081
Square root of 5 2.23606798
Pi 3.14159265
Euler's number e 2.71828183
The Golden ratio 1.61803399


is an irrational number:

Theorem. Square root of 2 is irrational
Rules of exponents

Proof. Proof by contradiction: Assume is rational. It can then be represented as an irreducible fraction of two integers, p and q. Therefore,

Since q is an integer, then 2q2 is even, and so is p2. Since p2 is even, then p must be even. If p is even, there exists an integer a such that p = 2a. Substituting,

Therefore, q2 must be even, and it follows that q must be even. can then be reduced (by 2) which contradicts the earlier statement (that it is irreducible).

Therefore, is irrational.


is an irrational number:

Theorem. The sum of square root of 2 and square root of 3 is irrational
Property #1, #2, #6, and #7 of irrational numbers

Proof. We have . Since 5 and 2 are rational and is irrational (by property #7), by property #1 and #2, we have is irrational. Therefore, by property #6, is irrational.

Therefore, is irrational.
